Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Don't Want To Talk About It Today!!

      Hello!!!...That's a little welcome to any new followers to the blog. Welcome to the backyard!! :-) And YAY! for you, you're actually here on one of those rare days when I don't feel like talking. :-)) 
     We had an incident happen here yesterday...*sigh*...Depending on how it turns out, I'll probably talk about it tomorrow. I don't even wanna THINK about recounting it right now...*shaking my head*...Instead I'm just gonna quickly show you some things I really love. Some things I ran into in my etsy searches lately...including those gorgeous pins in the header photo that look almost good enough to eat!....But don't! LOL

        And this bracelet?! Pretty, right?!...Wouldn't it be pretty on a bride?!...I think so. And NO! I'm not getting re-married! LOL Although we do have a big anniversary coming up! :-)

           BUT, if I was getting re-married...which I'm NOT!...I'd love to have a card like this to officially ask my bridesmaid to stand by my side in the lead up to my special day! :-) I love this card because...first's very pretty! And second, because it's the kind of card you never see!
         There's plenty of "Get Well", "Thank You", and "You're Invited" cards out there, but when you need a special card for something, it's almost impossible to find them! "Will you be my bridesmaid" being one of them! So it's kinda nice that she made a card like that....Other cards I'd love to see in the stores are: "Sorry your car died", ..."Thank you for dog-sitting for us",..."I hope you're doing better after your financial loss",...and "Congratulations on your 50 pound weight loss"!...You NEVER find cards like that in the Hallmark store!! ^_^
      I thought this frame was soooo pretty. It kinda reminded me of Spring! :-) And it's the kinda gift that you can give to just about anybody!...Brides, graduating students, people moving into their new home, someone having a baby, etc...I'm keeping it on my list, just in case!

 (Multi-charm Bangles Bracelet by EileenJewelry)
         What's not to love with this bracelet?!...It's got genuine Shell, Button, Wood and multicolored Beads! :-)

        When I first saw this bow I thought it was the kind that little boys wear on their necks. Imagine my delight when I found out that it's actually a ponytail holder scrunchie bow!...You don't know this, but I've got a ponytail...or I can have one at a moment's notice! :-) A pretty long ponytail!....A long ponytail that needs a good trim. A good trim after a good washing, along with my fingernails and toenails done, on a  long day at the hair salon with my girlfriends!! LOL.....*_*...and then I woke up!! ^_^ Our money has to stay put for the new car and the taxes upcoming!

        There's no explanation needed for this last love, right?! ^_^ It's a pillow cover...for a pillow....for napping the big nap! ^_^....and it has a pretty flower....for a girl who loves all kinds of flowers! (Including crocheted ones...just saying! ^_^) I love the way the lily swoops across the pillow.
       Sooooo...that's all I wanna talk about today. Catch me tomorrow....maybe. :-] 

 I don't feel like talking

I know you won't believe this,
but I don't feel like a chat!
I don't wanna talk today.
That's just not where my head's at.

I'm not all giddy gabby.
I don't feel like spilling words.
I wanna sit and watch the weather,
or the clock, or maybe birds.

My non-communication
only happens now and then,
so enjoy the tempered silence
while I keep a quiet pen.

Tomorrow may be different.
I may talk your ears right off.
You may not get a word in edge-wise,
so today...go play some golf!


  1. Everyone is entitled to a quiet day my friend. I didn't feel like talking yesterday. Depressing day for me. Today is better, but still not in the mood.
    Love the finds and the poem. I wish I could be so rhymey (I know...not a word).
    Hope the rest of your day is better and I hope things sort out at your house too.

    1. Thanks so much for understanding, my friend. Yep! We all have days where we just don't wanna talk about it!!! I was glad to have the day for some quiet...Onward and upward! :-) ... I'm glad you liked my finds...and my poem. :-)) And I'm sure you could rhyme if you put your mind to it!...Have a good evening, Bead.

  2. Deb, I'm sorry that you are feeling like you need your quiet place and time. Life sometimes throws us the unexpected that we just have to sit and think about it before we say a word. I hope your quiet day helps you put everything into perspective. Very nice blog today. Have a better day my friend.

    1. Thanks for understanding, Velma. :-) You're so right! Sometimes you have to think about it first...but you know I'm gonna talk about it eventually too, right?! ^_^ That's how I roll!...I'm glad you enjoyed the post today...even so. :-) Talk to you tomorrow!

  3. I believe every person needs a quiet day every now and then. Sometimes it's a nice break. When I am in a quiet mood, I know I do a lot of feeling ... which is a good thing. I really like your poem for today. How long does it take you to come up with your poems? It would probably take me days to pen a verse. Lovely Etsy items featured in today's post! My favoritse are the glass drop-head pins (yes indeed, they look sugar coated!) and the bangles bracelet. I hope things are looking up for you this evening.

    1. How right you are, Julie! And sometimes we "need" a quiet day even when we don't want one!! ^_^ That was me today...I'm so glad you liked my poem today. I'm almost embarrassed to tell you how fast I come up with my poems. Sometimes they write me! LOL Lines go over and over in my head kinda randomly sometimes, and then other times, like today, I finished my post and then I said to myself: "You don't have a poem already prepared that would say what you want to say today. Go write one right quick."....MAYBE 10 minutes later I was copying and pasting it here on the blog. ^_^ Words and talking come easy to me 99% of the time...until I force myself to shut up for a I did today. ^_^ Having the pretty etsy items to look at was very good for inducing quiet...until tomorrow! LOL Have a good evening Julie. Thanks for the nice comment.

  4. liked the poem and the etsy finds. great stuff all around. think I have you beat on the writing time frame, I've done one in less than 5 minutes before. sometimes the muses know you just need to write it. anyway, have a good day and quiet time.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you liked the finds and the poem. And good for you, writing quickly too! I don't think I've ever actually tried to time how long it takes me to write one. And I guess it also depends on how many lines it is too...However they come out, and however long it takes...I'm thankful for the ability. :-) Some things you just have to be thankful for and let that be that, right?! :-]

  5. I thought you did a great job of "talking" quietly today. We all need days like that. At work when I'm quiet everybody thinks I'm A)Mad B)Sad C)Sick D)Well, there is no D, but it's rare when I don't have something to say! I hope the rest of the week goes better for you. Love that last pillow BTW...

    1. Thank you yaya! :-] I thought I did okay too!...*patting myself on the back*...but today I'm backkkkkkk! LOL Isn't it funny how people react to you too, when you're a lifetime talker and you go all silent on them! ^_^ to talk my fool head off! Have a good day!

  6. We're all entitled to a quiet day, including you :) I'm having one of those days myself but I'm plodding along & stepping out of my comfort zone a little bit this afternoon.
    Love that bracelet you shared. It looks very pretty.

    1. :-)) Thanks Jo...And I had a quiet day too! I'm glad you got you one too! ^_^ Ooooo!...Out of your comfort zone?!..Hmmmm...


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