Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I'm Seeing Green...And Other Colors Too!


      Wouldn't you just know it!...Time goes by slowly, and my life has been as boring as boring can be lately. Then.....the day I decide to come to the blog to show you my latest hat...my blue green crochet hat!...just happens to be the day after a bad night I had.....{and there's no pretty blue green way to say this}.......a bad night of puking!!!...Ugh!...*shaking my head*
      I try so hard to keep this blog space full of 'smile-worthy' things, but every once in a while....!!!! Ugh!...I'm still not sure what I ate, smelled, touched, etc... that caused the problem last nght. All I know is that I had a great day yesterday, did my exercises, finished crocheting my hat, etc...a GREAT day!...and then last night around 1:00 a.m. it started! O_O
      A bad pain in my belly woke me up. Not a sharp pain, but a dull ache that kept getting increasingly uncomfortable. By the time I felt the need to fling my C-Pap mask from my face and sit up, I was ready to scream!!...Hubby will attest to the fact that I had already been moaning for at least a half an hour prior to this!...Poor baby. He didn't get much sleep after this either. :-(
      I started mentally going through what I'd eaten, and trying to decide whether that could be the culprit...As if it would matter at this point! :-)) Catfish...shrimp...fried hot dog...a square of Hershey's chocolate....I immediately eliminated the chocolate. ^_^ It must've been the hot dog. It had to be, right?!! LOL
      Anyway, it was me, a cold towel, a large bucket, and a husband doing backrub and bucket-cleaning duty from 1:00 to about 4:30 a.m.!!! Ugh! Thankfully there was a few minutes in between each episode for both of us to get a few naps. But, let me tell you, there isn't an ounce of fun in seeing your 'innards' OUTSIDE your body in pretty shades of green and.....etc!! LOL
      It is much nicer seeing pretty shades of green and...so forth...in a pretty bracelet like this (below)!...


      ...Or in a pretty pair of felt shoes like these (below)! :-) ...


      Thankfully last night is over!.. ^_^ ...my 'innards' are INSIDE where they belong, and have been for hours now, and the only green I'm looking at is sitting alongside some blue...on my new hat! :-) ...










      And so, another hat is finished! :-) ... Now I'm going to start a dark sage green one!...I guess I haven't gotten enough of green after all! LOL...Have a good rest of the day, Everybody! ♥

Color Is

Auburn is the setting sun.
Blue is a mood.
Black is the night sky.
Brown is dog food.

Green is the grass.
Yellow is the sun.
Gray is the stormy sky.
Purple is just fun.

Pink is carnations.
Plum is a fruit.
Tan is for shoes.
Beige is just cute.

Turquoise is terrific!
Teal is where it's at!
Blue-green is the color
that I have to have...STAT!

Gold is a metal.
White is plain, mild.
Red is a fire.
Orange is hog wild!

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