Monday, August 1, 2011

Updates, Giveaway Winner, This,.......And A Lot Of That!!

 's not my hubby's hydrangea. In fact, my hubby doesn't have a hydrangea! This one belongs to Jen, from the blog theOutpost. It's a part of the update of what's going on in her garden right now. Isn't it just beautiful?!!!
        Hubby thought it was!....Hubby also thought her sunflowers were beautiful too!
      But he's not 'as' enamored with her sunflowers, because his own are growing pretty good now too!...At least 3 of them are!...I already shared some of the photos he took of them over the weekend. They are, as he called them,...his 'shy' sunflowers. ^_^  
       But this is a new photo of one of his sunflowers!...
          Ain't nothing 'shy' about this one, y'all!!! ^_^
       Gorgeous,.....from far away!...or close up!! :-)
        In other news, me and Miss Jane Austen are both in love now!! ^_^ 
          I am in love with this book!!!!!...I'm already up to Chapter 47!! {There's only 14 more Chapters to go!! :-(} I just got to the part where her sister Lydia took off with Mr. Wickham! Grrrrr! But Elizabeth now thinks, because of the wonderful way he's trying to support her through this bad time, that she might be in love with Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy! {YEP!!! I found out his first name!!! I never knew it before! ^_^}
        And what a great book to have around the house to read on your 29th wedding anniversary!! ^_^ I've been reading it out loud. And hubby, as an anniversary gift to me, has been hanging around letting me read to him! LOL I say that jokingly because he loves this book too!!!
       While he was folding laundry and cooking dinner yesterday.....{WHAT! You don't get that done for you on your 29th wedding anniversary?!!!! ^_^}...he had his ears peeled to hear what was happening next!! As a matter of fact, I got side-tracked a couple of times, answering blog comments, and he yelled from the other room: 
      "Ha! Ha! Ha! That Mr. Collins is so funny!!....Is Mr. Darcy gonna come to see Elizabeth while she's visiting there?!"...."What is...what's her young sister's name?!....gonna get herself into now?!!"...."Are you done reading?! :-( " 
       He was so funny!! He tried to pretend he wasn't all that interested, but he kept coming back in the room when I started reading again! LOL Between that, and the delicious casserole he made, it was a very very nice anniversary. :-] (I'll share the photos of what he cooked tomorrow!)
       Now, as to the Giveaway, I shook up the box......And I shook it up some more.....and the name that popped up...{and it's strictly do to her persistent attention too, because most of the names in the box were hers!!...Made me happy she won it!}... was...
            ... Bee Happy!! :-) This little 'Wuglyees Baby' is all yours!!
        I think I have your address already, but just confirm it for me, Okay! Send me an email HERE.
       Now, for the new Giveaway....ending August 15, 2011...this is what it will be...
        I took it directly from my Wuglyees shop! I call it the 'Deborah' Tote Bag.  I've only ever crocheted 3 pocketbooks/Bags. This is one of them. The other two are HERE. Maybe it's my eclectic colors or something, but they haven't gotten much attention in the shop. Maybe it's time to get out of the pocketbook making business!.......Or start making more plain-colored ones.....YUCK! ^_^ { know how much I love doing linings!!! LOL}
        Anyway!!......The info for the new Giveaway is HERE. You can see what to do over there!! :-]
        I'm working on something that is 'NOT' a pocketbook!! ^_^ It's a black and white shawl/Scarf. These 'have' been getting a lot of attention in the shop! I'm gonna stick to what I know works in this department for now...Besides, I LIKE making them!! :-)
          And just as a tease, I'll explain this....
       ...and this...
       .....tomorrow....maybe!!!! ^_^

Eclectic Tastes

I've got eclectic tastes.
Yes I do! That's what I said!
I'm not afraid of being different,
Country raised and city bred.

If it's pretty, then I'm in,
but just as fast I can be out,
because I don't like what the hoopla
about some things is all about!

I think different can be cool,
in many colors, not just white.
And not just worn by 'one such person',
with a body shape just right.

It's good to have 'eclectic' tastes,
and to just be who 'you' are!
But be careful, because 'eclectic'
quickly can become 'Too Far'!!     


  1. Anonymous8/01/2011

    I love Mr. Darcy!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying the book!

    Happy Monday!

  2. HazelandMare, :-) I love Mr. Darcy too!!! And Jane Austen!...Happy Monday to you too!!

  3. 61 chapters! Is it a bad thing that I can't remember if I've read it?
    Happy Monday and enjoy the week, looking forward to your post on Tuesday - dramatic dishes in the sink!


  4. Lisa, ^_^ Not a bad thing at all. I've read and been lots of places that I don't remember!!! LOL Happy Monday to you too!!! See you tomorrow! ;-]

  5. I love that story too! I'm anxious to hear about your anniversary dinner.
    Nice post. Sorry not much to say..I don't feel too well today so I can't think.
    Till tomorrow....

  6. CinLynn, Thank you Bead. But I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. :-( Take it easy my friend. And I hope it's something that doesn't last long. :-( Talk to you tomorrow...

  7. how fun! I'm also excited about starting to read a new book, it has about 1200 pages! it's black lamb, grey falcon (about an English lady that travels to Yugoslavia in the 1950s) it's very interesting!!

  8. Elisa, I guess we're all getting a 'little' reading in, huh?! ^_^ Yours does sound interesting too.

  9. I'm looking forward to tomorrows post. That poor chicken looks a tad scared :D
    It sounds like you had a wonderful anniversary :)

  10. In my opinion, I think a lot of hubbies are like yours BUT they just own't admit it! So they miss out on all the fun! My DH reads to me, you know, stuff like WWII battle stories! LOL! But it's because he wants to be with me when I'm upstairs in the other half of our bedroom sewing. (even though there are panel mats up doing their best best to be dividers!)We can't see each other, but I can hear!

  11. Art and Sew Forth, Ha! Ha! Ha! World War II battle stories!! How romantic!! I bet you have just hours and hours of fun!! ^_^ But how sweet that he wants to be with you. :-) And I agree with you...I think a lot of hubbies are like that. They just don't want to admit it! ^_^ Thanks for sharing your 'battle story' with me!!!...Have a good day!

  12. Jo-anne, Ha! Ha! He does look like he's got some concerns, doesn't he??!! ^_^ I'm off to do the post right now....

  13. Wow, congrats on your anniversary :) the flowers are so pretty. Can't believe I won again!! maybe you should just send me something anyway!! thanks so much Deb :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  14. Bee Happy, Thank you very much!!....And I believe I will be sending you something!! ^_^ You have a good day too!


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